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3.请问以下的英文导游词是什么 导游词有 长白山北坡 向海自然保护区 好太王碑 吉林雾凇 伪满皇宫



       Changbai mountain is a mountain on the Chinese-North Korean border.

       An extinct volcano with a vast crater lake at its centre, it is the country's highest mountain at 2744m (9000ft), and also of huge mythical importance to Koreans.

       The huge crater lake called Chonji ("Lake of Heaven") lies at the summit, surrounded by bare rocky crags. It is one of the deepest alpine lakes in the world, and also one of the coldest.

       Paekdusan is sacred to all Koreans, because according to Korean mythology it is where the 'Son of the Lord of Heaven' descended to earth and the first Korean kingdom began.




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290ha, 220ha?. , ? , ? 3? .

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请问以下的英文导游词是什么 导游词有 长白山北坡 向海自然保护区 好太王碑 吉林雾凇 伪满皇宫

       Changbaishan is the most beautiful mountain in northeaster China and is home to very many scenic areas,such as a dormant volcano that has not erupted for more than 300 years,as well as the Changbaishan park where if lucky,one can spot tigers.The mountain's name means ?ever white' and is called this due to the pumice stones formed in the area,as well as the winter snow.

        There are four different climates that you cross while driving towards the mountain:birch forest,mixed coniferous forest,coniferous forest and alpine tundra.Changbaishan's peaks are very interesting and take the shape of many different objects; the most famous being a ?sleeping Buddha.' The climb on Changbaishan is also very difficult,depending on which route you choose.The western route is the easiest and the winding Tiger Back trail is the hardest.The Heavenly Lake is also a great attraction that is located in the mountain area.There are several hikes,once you reach the mountain,which are enjoyable.Jinjiang Valley is a peaceful walk where you can see old lava flows.Jinjiang Gorge is also a place worth visiting that is not too far of a walk away from the other attractions.

       长白山北坡 the northern slope of Changbai mountain

        向海自然保护区 Xianghai nature reserve

        好太王碑 stele of Haotai King

        吉林雾凇 Jilin frost

        伪满皇宫 puppet palace
